Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Jill and I got back from Phuket, Thailand Monday evening, and we had an awesome time.  We took a lot of pics, so I will let those do most of the talking.
We got in to Phuket after connecting in Bangkok late Thursday night.  Jill found out after we returned to Hong Kong that a later non-stop flight from Hong Kong to Phuket that we were thinking about taking cancelled, so it's a good thing we did the connection.  We stayed at the JW Marriott which was a bit dated, but overall a nice property.  It was no Hyatt, but definitely a not a bad place to spend a few days.
We woke up Friday morning and the first thing we saw was this baby elephant.  That's the one thing I will say the Marriott has over Hyatt...I don't think we have any properties with resident elephants.  We should probably look into that...
After feeding the little fella we went and had breakfast ourselves, and after that the plan was to just chill at the pool all day.  And that's what we did.  There were a lot of families there, so we found a pool that was the least rowdy and set up camp.  Naturally we chose the pool with the swim-up bar.
No idea who that girl is but she totally photo bombed this picture

We didn't really spend any time on the beach while we were at the hotel.  They didn't really make it convenient to hang out on the beach - there weren't any lounge chairs out, and the sand wasn't so great.  The flags for the strong currents were always up too, so it wasn't the most "inviting" place to relax.  Nonetheless it was still fairly picturesque.
While we were at the pool we saw the elephant again, and Jill was able to get this shot of him as he strolled by with his trainer.  She really got into Instagram on this trip, and this is a sample of her work...
Not sure which filters she used, but good work, hon
The hotel was pretty far away from some of the more popular parts of Phuket.  Jill had heard of Patong, which is a popular tourist destination and is most well-known for the nightlife. So, Friday night we took a hotel shuttle an hour one-way to Patong. 
It was gross.  If you've been to Patong and really liked it, I'm sorry, but it was nasty.  Extremely crowded, tons of trashy t-shirt stores and dingy looking restaurants.  The odor in the air (which never went away because the air was as thick as a steam-room with no breeze) was made up of a combination of fried ethnic food and sewage, with an occasional hint of sweat.  Now, I'm being pretty judgmental, and I am sure plenty of people go to Patong and have a good time, but we have no desire to go back. 
Jill had found a restaurant online in the area that was supposed to be pretty good, but after walking around for about 45 minutes we couldn't find it.  The sun was going down, and the beach was right there, so we were able to get a good shot of the sunset from Patong Beach.  Another classic courtesy of Jill's Instagram skillz.
We eventually found out that we would have to take a tuk tuk to get to the restaurant that we wanted to go to.  After contemplating for a while, we noticed that the tuk tuks were no ordinary tuk tuks...these were party tuk tuks. Neon lights, "Hello Kitty" themed tuk tuks with music blaring.  So we said Phuck it, grabbed some beers (of course you can drink on the party tuk tuks) and cruised to the restaurant.
Jill posing with our chariot

You can't really see it, but above Jill's head it says, "Pimp My Ride". 

The fist pumps could not be contained in this thing
The party tuk tuk was awesome.  So much better than trying to putz around the crowded, filthy streets.  We had an awesome Thai dinner (it was at a hotel a good distance away from the beaten path), and got a regular taxi back to area where the hotel shuttle was going to pick us up.  We had about 45 minutes to kill before the shuttle arrived, so we checked out a different area of Patong which wasn't different at all from what we'd seen earlier.  Jill and I love the breakfast spot, S&G in Chicago off of Lincoln, and we happened to find one in Patong too...we didn't go in though...

With a little bit more extra time to kill, we grabbed a few more road sodas, and got back in a party tuk tuk.  Just had them take us on a lap around Patong. I high-fived a few motor cyclers in-transit. It was great.
After that we took the shuttle back to the hotel and called it a night.
Much less eventful than Friday.  Again, spent all day by the pool.  Around sunset, we went to grab a drink at one of the hotel bars near the beach.  There weren't any party tuk tuks to be found, but we were pleasantly surprised by this guy giving everyone an impromptu Tom Cruise in Cocktail-style performance.  I immediately started blaring "Additcted to Love" by Robert Palmer on my iPhone...


After drinks we were able to get some more shots of the sunset from the beach.  I started blaring "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" by Elton John...

We had an early morning ahead of us, so after dinner we hit the hay. 
We had booked an all-day snorkeling trip for Sunday, and we were picked up at the hotel at 7:00 AM.  Our destination was the Phi Phi Islands, which were made famous after "The Beach" was filmed there.  The actual beach on Maya Bay where a lot of the scenes were shot was our first destination.  It was pretty amazing...


Another couple had made this in the sand, so when Jill and I found it we wiped "Owen & Ashley" out and drew our names in.  I had done something similar on the beach at our hotel the day before, but nothing nearly as clever as spelling out "Phuket" with washed-up coral...I felt like a chump
Next stop was a kick-ass lagoon on the other side of the island.
On the way to the lagoon we passed a cave where they harvest Bird's nest soup, which is a very expensive delicacy in Asia. Supposed to be good for your skin or something

Next stop after the lagoon was Monkey Beach. Yep, monkeys again.  These monkeys weren't as pushy as the ones we encountered back in Hong Kong.
Our guide specifically told us not to look at the monkeys when giving them the food.  That's much easier said than done, which is why I look like I am passing a kidney stone in this picture
After the monkeys we stopped at the first snorkel spot.  No pics from the actual was just ok.  Lots of fish, and had a great time doing it, but a lot of the coral was dead or dying which was disappointing.  Lunch followed, then we went to the next snorkel spot.  We ended the day at the beach on another gorgeous island.
The day was awesome.  We both really enjoyed it.  You probably can't tell from the pics, but the only downside to it was that there were a TON of other people out there doing the exact same thing as us.  And why shouldn't they be?  It's paradise, I get it.  However, it was just a bit...distracting.  You're sitting their trying to take in all this beauty, then you have Vladimir, the middle-aged, Speedo and gold chains-wearing dude chiefing a cig and blowing smoke in your face...thanks pal.
I'm not complaining.  Again, it was awesome.  If you have a chance to get to Phuket I would definitely recommend you do a day-trip like this.  I mean, you gotta see it.  Tourists are always going to be tough to avoid, but hey...
Yes, I created a meme of myself posing flawlessly as I jumped into the lagoon
Til Next Time,
Luke & Jill

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