Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bad Walkers, Great Food and Some Immature Fun

So I already shared my thoughts on how many people are here in Hong Kong...and now I am going to complain about it.  However, it's not necessarily the amount of people here that bothers me, it's the amount of people that seem to be in my way when I am trying to get where I am going.  And I'm not talking about people being in my way because they have nowhere else to go.  Like if there are only a few people walking down a corridor at the MTR station and I happen to be one of them, at least one of them will somehow find a way to make me call an audible and veer off the course I was on.  It seems like the majority of people here just don't seem to have a grasp on walking in straight lines, or walking at a consistent rate of speed.

I liken it to trying to walk around in an airport.  Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the majority of people at the airport are just milling about aimlessly...trying to find their gate or a place to eat...or just pacing around waiting for their flight.  Whatever they're doing, they are constantly getting in my way.  Do you know what I mean?  Anyway, to me it feels like that everywhere you go in Hong you're at the airport, and everyone is looking for their gate.  And I shouldn't be complaining because I am most likely getting in someone's way too...but there have been some moments since I've been here where I've felt like doing this to someone. 

Ok, now that I'm done complaining I would like to say that we have had some awesome, awesome food here.  Dim Sum is amazing (if you don't know what Dim Sum is click here) and Jill and I have been lucky enough to get some pretty good Dim Sum since we've been here.  There's a good spot not too far from our office so I am sure we'll be going there a lot.

I think my favorite so far has been a dumpling they call Shumai, which consists primarily of ground pork, small whole or chopped shrimp, Chinese black mushroom, green onion and ginger with seasonings of Chinese rice wine, soy sauce, sesame oil and chicken stock.'s filthy-good.  Anytime I get the urge to punt the person in front of me I am just going to have to take a deep breath and remember Shumai.

Tonight I was invited to a going away party for someone in our office and we had amazing Korean Barebecue.  There were little grills at the table and you get to cook your own meal.  There was a ton of food: beef, pork, prawns, lobster, abalone, noodles, name it.  And it was all delicious.

Before I go just wanted to also share a little bit of middle school humor with you...awesome.

I also saw a sign the other day that read, "Dog Pissing Strictly Forbidden".  Didn't get a photo, but thought that was pretty funny too.

Til Next Time,
Luke & Jill

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