Tuesday, April 16, 2013

McCurry, Bird Flu, Smog and Sailors

First off - thoughts and prayers go out to Boston.  That was terrible news to wake up to this morning.  It's a tragedy, and there's not really much else to say other than I hope they find whomever is responsible.  I'll leave it at that because I'm sure everywhere else you turn you'll be hearing about it...

On a lighter note, Jill and I had McDonald's for lunch the other day.  I went with Jill to upgrade her cell plan, and we needed something quick, so we just popped into good ol' McD's.  Jill was a wimp and went with something anyone can get back in the states, but my eyes were immediately drawn to the McCurry Burger on the "Asian Spice" portion of the menu. Against my better judgement, I went ahead and ordered it...I like spicy McChickens (even though this was a "beef" patty), and I like curry so I figured why not...when in Rome.

Turns out it was a bad choice.  It was two buns, and a single patty dunked in a curry sauce topped with what I think were onions...I still ate the whole thing.  Needless to say I was in a bit of a McHurry to get to the bathroom a little later on.  They have a few other items on the Asian spice menu (some sort of Wasabi-flavored sandwich and a spicy Korean sandwich), but I don't think I'm going to try those.

You've probably heard about the new strain of bird flu that started in Shanghai and how it's now spread to Beijing (pray for Jill-she's there now for work but is only there til Thursday).  Well, getting back to my desk after lunch today I found these on my desk...

I look around and everyone's got a box of face-masks on their desks.  As far as I know there haven't been any reported cases of the bird flu in Hong Kong, but I guess this means that it's only a matter of time until it gets here? It sounds like after SARS and the first outbreak of bird flu people here are extra cautious.  Keep your fingers crossed it doesn't get worse!

I guess it's a good thing I got the free masks though, because the one thing I really did not like about China before I got to Hong Kong was the pollution that I experienced in Beijing and Shanghai.  Up until two days ago it has not been an issue here, but the past two days it's been pretty gross.  Just a thick smog hanging over the city...and the humidity has ramped up a bit too, so it's like a dutch oven of pollution and heat.  I'm not too concerned about the bird flu (yet) but I might start wearing the masks just to filter some of the air I breathe.

And on a final note, it was great to look out into the harbour today and see this bad boy docked near my building...

This is the USS Peleliu, and it is docked for a routine stopover in Hong Kong (that's what the news says it's here for, but it's most likely also here to send a message to that crazy dude in North Korea as well).  I went to trivia tonight with some new friends in Wan Chai (the Island side-the side where the buildings are across the water in the picture above).  There is a red light district in Wan Chai, and the place was crawling with Sailors living it up on their shore leave.  I felt like I was back in college walking to the bar where trivia was at...just drunk Sailors everywhere.  It was also pretty entertaining to see guys in sombreros negotiating rates with the working girls on the sidewalk...haha.  But those guys deserve to be cutting loose - they sacrifice a lot for our country, so I hope they have fun with their few precious days on dry land.  Seeing these guys out tonight made me think of a classic line from a classic movie...

Be safe in Hong Kong, gentleman!

And by the way, I promise I'll stop with the stupid video inserts...I really just do them for my own amusement.

Jill and I also found an apartment - we move in this Saturday.  I promise the next blog will be all about the new place.

Til Next Time,
Luke & Jill


  1. Congrats on finding an apartment!! Woohoooo! However, I'm not going to lie that I'm a little sad I didn't get to see you on House Hunters International. I was really hoping for that. Keep up with the funny posts! Love hearing about your adventures :)


  2. If you wear the mask we need a picture!
